Many people associate foiling with metallic colours, particularly gold and silver. In fact foils come in hundreds of colours and they can be matt, gloss, metallic, coloured… even clear. What they all have in common is the ability to present a rich premium finish, adding authenticity and elevating price perception.

Embossing and debossing
Embossing is a technique where a metal die is forced under pressure into paper to leave a three dimensional image. The image can be raised off the sheet (embossed) or cut into the sheet (debossed).
The die can be applied to a printed area, or used "blind" on an unprinted area where the die alone creates an image.
The Stormpress embossing press delivers a huge 56 tons of pressure to each sheet, allowing deep embossing and the use of really detailed dies producing spectacular results.

Die Cutting
Die cutting is the process of creating a cutting forme and forcing it against a sheet of paper to cut a shape out.
Many print finishers use a cylinder cutting system. Stormpress use a platen, the big advantage of this being that there are no unsightly nicks on the cut paper, which are required if a cylinder is used.
Stormpress can help designers specify cutting forme shapes and artwork set-up to ensure that expected results are achieved.

Duplexing and triplexing
Bonding two or three sheets of material together to create an entirely new, thicker, more stiff product is a process rarely seen, producing uncommonly striking results. The technique requires special equipment, skilled operators, and takes time to perfect – the ideal choice for ultra-print enthusiasts like us.
When combined with speciality stocks such as the amazing G.F. Smith range the results are spectacular.

Gilding and coloured edges
Being truly passionate about print we consider the edge of the paper to be very much part of the finished product. Where usually one might find a neatly guillotine-trimmed straight edge, fractions of a mm thick, a little bit of creativity and know-how can make a striking difference. When one is prepared to pay this much attention to detail, marvellous things can happen.